Last seen: Dec 5, 2024
@joe-vic Even if making games through web version, you'll be able to export it as desktop standalone. There are also some people already hosting their...
Hi! Thank you for your interest in 3.0.0, I'm hard working on this! No cloud option planned for now. If so, it would be something not free because...
@truver What is Modules? It's quite complicated to do for common reaction. Everything is done in the call a common reaction command.
@truver Oh, sounds like a bug... steps depends on square size and other parameters like speed. It is something like 3/4px in normal speed / 16px squar...
@truver You can use "update transformations" option on bottom/right. Pixel offset is an option for walking animation, it's doing 1 y pixel offset move...
@truver u.mag-t.mdef means user magic minus target magic def. t.instid is the target instance id. Instance IDs are basically an ID that is generated e...
Oops sorry it should be Core.Game.current.variables[125] = t.instid;
There is not such a thing for now, unfortunately! That would be helpful. Noting this.
In your effect script, Removing the RPM. should be enough.
In current version, it is not possible. It will be implemented in later updates.
This is not an open source or freeware project. It was open source years ago during early development, but now it's clearly proprietary licensed, exac...
You have to also go to Systems > Model > Hero and remove the two lines in events list that are related to the camera rotation! These keypress ev...
Welcome! 😀
Welcome! 😀
If you mean that you want people to be able to play your game without having the engine installed, then you can use File > Export standalone.