Skip title

Skips the title screen and goes directly into New Game option. This way you can handle your title screen from an empty map, completely customizable with default engine commands or other plugins. Author: Russo DOWNLOAD


This plugin adds gamepad support. The analog sticks work on the menus as well. You can change the deadzone and there are triggers to enable you to set up the hero object movement. For more information, visit Author: Russo DOWNLOAD

GLTF Loader

This plugin allows you to load animated and pre-textured GLTF models into your game. How to use: first, load the model you want into a map object. This will replace the object’s mesh (the graphics). You can then change the model’s properties and animate it. This plugin comes with an Read more…


Literally, it’s just lights. Three JS lights, more specifically (ambient, hemisphere, directional, point and spot lights). And shadows. And custom shader support, but I recommend you stick to this one I made. If you wanna know more about light types and how to properly light your scene, you can start Read more…


This plugin has two main contributions: it enables JS mouse event listeners, and it implements the ThreeJS raycaster function. The event listeners trigger RPM events. Change the plugin parameters and edit the system events accordingly. The events are to be set up as follows: Single click: returns screen x (number), Read more…

JSON Model Loader

Allows you to load animated models into your game. They come with their own textures, too. Download or create GLTF/GLB animated models and convert them at First, load the model you want into a map object. This will replace the object’s mesh (the graphics). You can then offset, rotate, Read more…


You can add very simple fog to your current map by using a command. Go to the commands list, in last page, use “Plugin…”. Select this Fog plugin, and the command “Add fog”. You can choose the intensity and color. Author: Wano DOWNLOAD