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[ Hello_World ] - Game Dev Log.

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I have decided to post my Game dev log here not only to give me accountability but also to get feedback so I can have a place where I can look back and see what I was thinking and for the funsies basically. 

6-Month Prototype Development Timeline (October, 11th 2024 – April, 11th 2025) 

*Crosses fingers* 

Project Summary


  • Genre & Tone: High fantasy MMO, character-driven story with a sports anime vibe.
  • Major Factions: Player guilds, game developers, media influencers, AI NPCs.
  • Cultural Structures: Modern-day real world, traditional MMO fantasy world.
  • World State: Well-established MMO, real-world influences present but light.
  • Key Locations: Starting Town, Guild Hall, Starter Zones (Forest, Plains, Hills, Lake).
  • Magic/Technology: D&D-inspired magic system, potential for customizable spells.
  • Focus: Character growth, relationships, lighthearted conflict with moments of drama.

Current Focus:

Deadline - 10/18/2024

Battle System - Getting the basic battle system down

  • Four playable characters
  • Three enemies
  • Battle Skills up to level 5. 


This topic was modified 6 days ago by Jerrylikesgreen
Posted : 11/10/2024 9:51 pm
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It has been a crazy and busy week so far.

The TLTR version: 

Lots of progress in the game; I am ahead of schedule a bit, but I have completed the Character Skills and Classes for 5 of the Characters. 

I am working on the story beats at the moment. I have a hard time nailing the beginning down; the story is not my strength. I have great ideas and can think of the big picture, but I struggle with the details and execution. 

I am also simultaneously working on my other game project in Godot, which I honestly shouldn't, but ADHD takes over at times. 

I am realizing that this game engine is a bit clunky. I have encountered a few bugs that I will report shortly, and some significant limitations have derailed some of my plans. However, I am still having fun; not having to set up the base game from scratch is refreshing, and the limitations have inspired some fun and exciting workaround; it's been fun. I like my puzzles. 

I have decided to cut back on scope as if I continue with the current scope, I do not know how to optimize the performance well enough, and the last thing I want is an unplayable game. 


My thoughts are to make it less "open" and more linear. Initially, I wanted to open the game into a sandbox experience during the middle of the game, but that will not be happening now. 


I have nothing to show you as I have not worked on assets and have only placeholders. Once I nail down the story more, I will decide how the game should look and probably buy an asset pack or find a free asset that fits the aesthetics. 


Posted : 16/10/2024 8:26 pm
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I realized that my initial description made it seem as if I was making an MMO - which is not the case. This is an RPG that will make you feel as if you're playing an MMO. Think.Hack//sign 


The goal is to incorporate different elements like forum browsing and email/messaging systems and party/friend invites. It wont actually me Multiplayer but essentially play as if your in an MMO 


I am having a hard time figuring out how to modify my 1st Post, any help on that would be great. 

Posted : 17/10/2024 8:03 pm
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-          MMO Feeling

-          Character Focused

-          Tactical RPS Progression – ff Tactics: After every battle, you gain SP* and use it to influence the ccharacter'sstats and skills.




Skills -

You will have base 3 class skills – No level requirements.


After that, Skills + Attributes will be unlocked via the SP* system.


Levels will determine base stats + future Job/Sub Job requirement – Fire Emblem Promotion System.


The Main Cast will have “"unique”"Sub Classes. Example: = Main character is a Guner class – Subclass Artificer.


Subclasses will be unlocked via Quests. *Main and side quests.


Minor characters will have Main Class and some Minor Subclasses that are not as customary as Main characters, mainly for aesthetics. For example, the main character, named Undecided, is also a Gunner Class. However, his Sub Class is AI- which influences how damage is applied.


Sample Class/Subclasses

Warrior – Great Swordsmen.

Sorcerer – Fire Attribute




Monsters will also have classes. Generic monsters classes will not have sub-classes.


Boss Monster + Special Monsters will have Sub Classes:


Goblin – Generic: Class, Goblin.

Special Goblin: Class – Goblin, Subclass Sneakster – Concept*

Boss Goblin: Class Goblin Subclass King


Units will be divided into 3 Groups.


Monsters – Players – NPC

Players will be “"real”"People, and NPCs will be “"AI.”"They will function the same mechanically but with differences in actual AI and Dialog. NPCs will not be customizable.

Monsters will be Monster – No “"advanced AI”" 


Game Loop –

(MMO Pillar)Exploration -> The Player will explore the world, finding mobs, items, and the like.

(Tactical RPS Progression )Guild -> The player will return home after exploration to change equipment and use SP to gain skills and attributes.

(Character Focused) – Character Downtime. Players can go on side quests, explore dialog options, and interact with other characters, which will link to Exploration and loop back around. It will also function as a break between the grind.




This post was modified 12 hours ago by Jerrylikesgreen
Posted : 17/10/2024 8:41 pm