You can find here bunch of plugins made for RPG Paper Maker. If you want to have yours displayed here too, please check the instructions.


Model Load on Map Load

Uses JSON Model Loader to automatically load models on map load. You must also be using the JSON Model Loader plugin. To use this plugin, in an event name have…

Mouse lock and raycaster

This plugin enables locking the mouse pointer and implements the ThreeJS Raycaster. Locking the mouse pointer is essential to implement mouse camera controls. Just remember to unlock it before accessing…

Move in all directions

This plugin adds a simple command to move any map object a step (not a square) in any direction, defined by angle (in degrees) and not orientation. Does not work…

Multiple window boxes

This plugin allows you to spawn multiple window boxes with custom properties. The windows are treated as Pictures and are stored in the same queue as them. To remove a…


All it does is limit your party’s battlers to the first few at the top of the party order. You input a size limit via the plugin UI and set…


This plugin has two main contributions: it enables JS mouse event listeners, and it implements the ThreeJS raycaster function. The event listeners trigger RPM events. Change the plugin parameters and…

Skip title

Skips the title screen and goes directly into New Game option. This way you can handle your title screen from an empty map, completely customizable with default engine commands or…

Typewritter text

Prints messages letter by letter, giving it a typewriter effect. — Tutorial – To add typewriting text, just use “Show Text” command and tweak the parameters to your liking. To…


Enables creating an animated waterfall. The waterfall will replace the graphics of a given map object. Credits to Mugen87 ( for creating this ThreeJS waterfall: I mostly just ported…